Dernière mise à jour : 16/01/2025
Université Paris Cité
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I am a CNRS senior researcher.
I am interested in logic, and mainly in Proof Theory and its connections with Computer Science through the Curry-Howard Correspondence. A general presentation of my work.
A categorical semantics of constructions. Logic in Computer Science. Third Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Edinburgh, 1988. IEEE. 1988. pdf.
Hypercoherences: a strongly stable model of linear logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Cambridge University Press. 1993. pdf.
On strong stability and higher-order sequentiality. Logic in Computer Science. Ninth Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Paris, 1994. IEEE. 1994. pdf.
Sequentiality in an extensional framework. Information and Computation, Academic Press. 1994. pdf.
Projecting sequential algorithms on strongly stable functions. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, North Holland. 1996. pdf.
Anatomy of an extensional collapse. 1997. Unpublished manuscript. pdf.
A relative definability result for strongly stable functions and some corollaries. Information and Computation, Academic Press. 1999. pdf.
Parallel and serial hypercoherences. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier. 2000. pdf.
On phase semantics and denotational semantics in multiplicative-additive linear logic. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, North Holland. 2000. pdf.
On phase semantics and denotational semantics: the exponentials. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, North Holland. 2001. pdf.
On Köthe sequence spaces and linear logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Cambridge University Press. 2002. pdf.
A completeness theorem for symmetric product phase spaces. Journal of Symbolic Logic, Association for Symbolic Logic. 2004. pdf.
The differential lambda-calculus. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier. 2004. pdf.
Web based models of linear logic. Slides of my talk at WoLLIC'04, Fontainebleau. 2004. pdf.
Finiteness spaces. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Cambridge University Press. 2005. pdf.
Uniformity and the Taylor expansion of ordinary lambda-terms. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier. 2006. To appear. pdf.
Differential interaction nets. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier. 2006. To appear. pdf.
Böhm trees, Krivine machine and the Taylor expansion of ordinary lambda-terms. Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers. Second Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2006, Swansea, UK, July 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag. 2006. Extended abstract. pdf.
Böhm trees, Krivine machine and the Taylor expansion of ordinary lambda-terms. 2006. Long version. pdf.
Embedding the pi-calculus in differential interaction nets. Slides of my talk at the conference Computability in Europe 2006 (CiE 2006), Swansea. 2006. pdf.
Embedding the Finitary Pi-calculus in Differential Interaction Nets. 2006. Electronically published proceedings. Available here.
On differential interaction nets and the pi-calculus. 2006. HAL technical report ccsd-00096280, version 1. Available here.
On finiteness spaces and extensional presheaves over the Lawvere theory of polynomials. 2007. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. pdf.
Not enough points is enough. 2007. Computer Science Logic. pdf.
Interpreting a Finitary Pi-Calculus in Differential Interaction Nets. 2007. CONCUR, conference short version. pdf.
Interpreting a Finitary Pi-Calculus in Differential Interaction Nets. 2007. Slides of a talk given at University Roma III, the 16th of April. pdf.
A relational model of a parallel and non-deterministic lambda-calculus. 2008. Accepted at LFCS 09. .
On probabilistic coherence spaces. 2008. PPS and CHOCO technical report. To appear in Information and Computation. pdf.
Acyclic Solos and Differential Interaction Nets. 2008. PPS and CHOCO technical report. Paru dans Logical Methods in Computer Science 6(3), 2010. pdf.
The Scott model of Linear Logic is the extensional collapse of its relational model. 2009. Theoretical Computer Science 424: 20-45 (2012). pdf.
A relational semantics for parallelism and non-determinism in a functional setting. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Elsevier. 2009. To appear in 2011. pdf.
Resource Combinatory Algebras. 2010. MFCS 2010. pdf.
A Finiteness Structure on Resource Terms. 2010. LICS 2010. pdf.
Exponentials with Infinite Multiplicities. 2010. CSL 2010 (long version, with proofs in an appendix). pdf.
Categorical Models for Simply Typed Resource Lambda-Calculus. 2010. MFPS 2010. pdf.
Interpreting a Finitary Pi-Calculus in Differential Interaction Nets. Information and Computation, Elsevier. 2010. 208(6), pp. 606-633. pdf.
Full Abstraction for Resource Calculus with Tests. 2011. Accepted at CSL 2011, Bergen. pdf.
A Convenient Differential Category. Cahier de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, . 2011. To appear. pdf.
A semantical introduction to differential linear logic. 2011. Submitted for publication. This paper contains an existence condition for anti-derivatives in categorical models of differential linear logic. Last update: Feb 2016. pdf.
Resource lambda-calculus: the differential viewpoint. 2011. Slides of an invited talk at CSL 2011, Bergen. Anti-derivatives are alluded to in this talk as well. pdf.
The Computational Meaning of Probabilistic Coherence Spaces. 2011. Accepted at LICS 2011. pdf.
About the extensional collapse of Rel. 2012. Slides of a talk given at LI 2012 (CIRM, Marseille). pdf.
An application of the extensional collapse of the relational model of linear logic. 2012. Submitted. pdf.
CCS for trees. 2013. Submitted for publication. pdf.
CCS for trees. 2013. Slides of a talk given at the workshop LOCALI 2013 (Beijing). pdf.
A new correctness criterion for MLL proof nets. 2014. Accepted at LICS'14. This criterion was first published by C. Rétoré in TCS 294(3):473-488, 2003. I rediscovered it independently (my presentation is slightly more general) and I am convinced that it is worth being further studied. pdf.
Sémantique des preuves et des programmes. 2014. Transparents d'un exposé didactique donné à la journée d'inauguration de la Fédération d'informatique fondamentale de Paris Diderot, le 7/2/2014. pdf.
Sémantique quantitative et qualitative de PCF. 2014. Transparents d'un exposé invité aux journées du GT GEOCAL du GDR Informatique Mathématique, le 24 mars 2014. pdf.
Call-By-Push-Value from a Linear Logic point of view. 2015. Accepted at ESOP 2016 (long version, with proofs). pdf.
Full abstraction for probabilistic PCF. 2015. Submitted for publication. pdf.
On Classical PCF, Linear Logic and the MIX rule. 2015. CSL 2015, Berlin. pdf.
A dendroidal process calculus. 2015. Submitted for publication. pdf.
Effects in Call-By-Push-Value, from a Linear Logic point of view. 2016. Submitted for publication, last update: 12/2/2016 (typos corrected mainly in Fig. 6, 10 and 11). pdf.
Call-By-Push-Value from a Linear Logic point of view. 2016. Accepted at ESOP 2016. pdf.
Measurable Cones and Stable, Measurable Functions. 2017. POPL 2018. arXiv.
Probabilistic Call By Push Value. 2018. To appear in LMCS. Full abstraction for a rich functional probabilistic language with general recursion and recursive types. pdf.
La sémantique, un point de vue mathématique sur les programmes. 2018. Exposé donné lors de la journée scientifique à la mémoire de Maurice Nivat, le 6/2/2018. pdf.
Stable and measurable functions on positive cones. 2018. Talk given at the Chocola Seminar on 8/2/2018. Joint work with Michele Pagani and Christine Tasson. pdf.
Differentials and distances in probabilistic coherence spaces. 2019. Accepted at FSCD 2019. Current version: april 2019.. pdf.
Derivatives and distances in probabilistic coherence spaces. 2019. Slides of a talk at PIHOC 2019. pdf.
On the linear structure of cones. 2020. Published in LICS 2020. pdf.
Upper approximating probabilities of convergence in probabilistic coherence spaces. 2020. IRIF research report. arXiv.
Categorical models of Linear Logic with fixed points of formulas. 2021. LICS 2021. HAL.
Differentials and distances in probabilistic coherence spaces. 2021. Extended version of my FSCD 2019 paper, submitted for publication in a journal. HAL.
What is Linear Logic?. 2021. A short and subjective intoduction to Linear Logic. pdf.
Coherent differentiation. 2021. Differentiation of lambda-terms is compatible with determinism. Submitted for publication. pdf.
Coherent differentiation. 2021. Slides of a series of talks given in the IRIF Semantics Working Group, providing an overview of the paper. pdf.
A coherent differential PCF. 2022. A differential extension of PCF based on coherent differentiation. Published in LMCS. arXiv.
Comparing Coherent Differentiation (CD) and AD. 2022. Slides for a talk given at the Workshop on Differentiable Programming --- Université Paris Cité, 29 and 30 June 2022. pdf.
Integration in cones. 2023. IRIF technical report, last update: 14/03/2024. Submitted for publication. arXiv.
Integration in Positive Cones. 2023. Slides of a talk given at the 4th ANR PPS General Meeting, 4-6 Jan 2023. pdf.
Cartesian Coherent Differential Categories. 2023. Preprint available on HAL and ArXiv, published in LICS 2023. pdf.
Coherent Taylor expansion as a bimonad. 2023. IRIF preprint, submitted for publication, last update 2/10/2023. arXiv.
From Differential Linear Logic LL to Coherent Differentiation. 2024. Preprint. arXiv.
Integration in cones. 2024. Slides of a talk at the seminar Chocola, ENS Lyon, 3/14/2024. pdf.
The differential lambda-calculus: From semantics to syntax. 2024. Slides of the Church Award invited talk, ICALP'24, Tallinn. pdf.